
What is HPV? Questions About HPV | #HPV Search Kiya Kya?

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HPV is a virus that can be transmitted through intimate contact with an infected partner. However, it is possible to have HPV without ever knowing it. HPV can remain undetected in your body for almost two years before it is cleared out by your immunity, so it’s likely that anyone exposed will pass the virus on at some point during their lifetime. There are more than 100 types of HPV. Most of these are only associated with genital warts and some are associated with cancer in the cervix or other parts of the body, so please continue reading if you want to learn more.

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What is HPV?
HPV Human papillomavirus infection is a viral infection that affects the skin and/or the mucous membranes of the cervix, vaginal, and anal regions. There are more than 100 different types of HPV, and most people will be exposed to at least one type during their lifetime. Chances are that an infected person with HPV in their body will not have any symptoms. You will not pass it on to your sexual partner if you’re not infected. HPV is linked to several types of cancer, including cervical cancer, for which it is almost exclusively responsible. However, only a small percentage of people with HPV will develop cancer. It’s important to note that many additional factors, like a weakened immune system, may play a role in the development of cancer.

How does HPV transmission happen?
There are many ways to be exposed to HPV. You may have been exposed during vaginal, anal, or oral sex with an infected person. The virus can also be transmitted by touching an infected area, such as a finger used to touch your genitals. Human papillomavirus infection may be transmitted even if you don’t show any signs of infection. This is why getting tested is important, even if you don’t believe you’ve been exposed. It is recommended that girls ages 14-21 be tested for HPV at least once. They also suggest that women over 21 receive an annual test to screen for newly-acquired infections.

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Types of HPV and their Severity
There are several types of HPV, and they are classified by how severe they are. Although many types of HPV are considered low-risk, others are more severe and can lead to serious health problems. The types that are most likely to cause cancer are HPV type 16 and HPV type 18. The come under the category of high-risk Human papillomavirus infection.

What are the symptoms of Human Papillomavirus Infection?
Although the majority of the cases are asymptomatic, if you do have symptoms, they might include:
● Abnormal vaginal discharge – A thick or watery discharge from the vagina (This is the most common symptom)
● Vaginal itching
● Pain during intercourse
● Burning sensation while urinating
● Formation of warts in the genital area
● Formation of warts in the throat, anus or mouth
You must consult your health care provider if you notice any of these symptoms. They can take a more in-depth look into your medical history and do additional testing.

What test can confirm if you have HPV?
A positive HPV test result can help your doctor determine which types of Human papillomavirus infection might be present and guide treatment. However, you must know that you will not necessarily develop cancer even if you have an HPV infection. This test is only available for women.

Prevention for HPV Infection
The best way to lower your risk of contracting HPV and developing health problems is to get vaccinated and practice safe sex to prevent its transmission.

Must HPV – Know more about Human Papillomavirus

Some risk factors for Human papillomavirus infection (HPV infection), such as unprotected sex, a weak immunity and smoking regularly can increase your risk of getting an HPV infection.

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Human papillomavirus infection (HPV infection) is a sexually transmitted disease infecting different parts of the body such as penis, anus, vagina, cervix, etc. HPV transmission can happen during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Certain types of HPV are linked to an increased risk for the development of certain types of cancer. Therefore, it’s important to get tested for HPV if you have been exposed to the virus and want to lower your risk of developing cancer. Learn more about the other frequently asked questions about HPV.

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Featured Image Source: https://knowmorehpv.com/

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