Top 10 Yoga Poses to Help You Stay Warm and Fit this Winter

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Yoga is not just one of the best practices for staying fit, flexible, and healthy, but it also works wonders to keep you warm in the winter. All you need is a yoga mat and some free time each day to practice yoga poses that activate your muscle groups, boost your metabolism, and keep you free from several health issues in return. 

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Best Yoga Poses for Winter- A Guide 

Here are some of the top poses that you can do almost anywhere with a yoga mat.  

    1. Vajrasana or the Thunderbolt Pose with Kapalabhati Pranayama– This is done seated while stretching the feet and thighs and clearing the sinuses. You should put a block with the yoga mat for more support, and for Kapalabhati, every exhale will be an expulsion of breath forcefully while inhaling passively. Draw the navel towards the spine while exhaling, and stay up to a minute, depending on your experience. Start small with ten breaths and scale it up gradually. Stop immediately if you feel any light-headedness.  
    2. Downward Facing Dog – Also referred to as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this activates the entire body and muscles. It also builds heat throughout the core, legs, and arms. Soften the elbows and knees appropriately, along with holding for roughly ten breaths to enhance your strength.  
    3. Plank– This boosts your core and arms and fires up the former if you hold up to one minute. Activate the abdominal muscles by gently drawing the navel towards the spine. You should stack the shoulders over the wrists while keeping the neck in sync with the spine. Focus on your breathing to stay longer in this position.  
    4. Utkatasana or Chair Pose– This builds your core and legs and enhances balance. You will feel your quads firing up when you hold this pose for some time. Keep your arms overhead to engage the entire body or put your palms together at the chest.  
    5. Garudasana or Eagle Pose– This stretches your shoulders, hips, and upper back while building strength in your legs and core. It is based on a one-legged chair position, so squat lower to keep balancing and working your legs properly.  
    6. Utkata Konasana or Goddess Pose– This yoga pose will stretch your groin and hip area while improving strength in your thighs, feet, and back. Maintain suitable alignment and try to put your knees over your ankles while your thighs stay parallel to the ground.  
    7. Virabhadrasana I– This pose strengthens your core, arms, legs, and back. It also stretches your chest, hips, and hamstrings. You should hold longer to burn fat in your thighs while getting the front thigh parallel to the ground.  
  • Trikonasana or Triangle Pose– Strengthening the legs and stretching the hamstring and sides is possible with this yoga position. Put the bottom hand below your shin or on a block to fully open up your chest. Imagine an open rotation posture. You can easily do this pose when you buy a yoga mat online.
  1. Half Moon Pose or Ardha Chandrasana– This pose strengthens your abdominal muscles, legs, and glutes. It also boosts mobility in your hips and gives your hamstrings a much-needed stretch. Use a block below your bottom hand to open up your chest properly. Gaze on your fingertips to work on maintaining better balance.  
  2. Corpse Pose or Savasana– After you are done with the other poses, rest your body with this relaxing yoga pose. Do not lose the heat that you have created; put on a sweatshirt or socks or cover up with a blanket while resting. Stay in this pose on the yoga mat for about 10 minutes to enable unmatched relaxation.  

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These are the top 10 yoga poses with yoga mats that will keep you warm but also fit and active in the winter. They will also help you tone your body and build strength while activating your muscles and enhancing your overall metabolism simultaneously. You can do them anywhere if you just buy a yoga mat online if you don’t have it yet. Choose your mat carefully, making sure it is made of a durable material like polyester. You can also opt for air-purifying yoga mats that improve the surrounding atmosphere, along with choosing mats that have anti-skid features. This will ensure a safe experience while practicing your yoga poses.  

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