
Analyzing Mutual Fund Schemes: Key Factors to Consider

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There are more than 1,500 mutual fund schemes as of February 2024, shows AMFI data.  Navigating this landscape requires a nuanced understanding of critical factors, facilitating informed decisions that align with one’s financial goals and risk tolerance.

What Are Mutual Fund Schemes?

Mutual fund schemes pool money from various investors, which fund managers manage professionally. This pooled capital is subsequently invested in diverse assets, ranging from stocks and bonds to other securities. The aim is to spread risk and optimize returns through strategic allocation across different asset classes and sectors. Mutual fund schemes come in various forms, including equity, debt, hybrid, and thematic funds, each catering to different investment objectives and risk profiles.

Analyzing Key Factors

Several pivotal factors demand consideration when one embarks on the journey of analyzing mutual fund schemes.

Investment Objective

Firstly, one must assess the investment objective of the scheme. Understanding whether the scheme aligns with one’s financial goals, wealth accumulation, capital preservation, or income generation forms the cornerstone of prudent decision-making. Different schemes cater to varying objectives, ranging from long-term growth to short-term income generation, and it’s crucial to align the chosen scheme with one’s specific goals and time horizon. For example, equity funds may suit investors seeking capital appreciation over the long term, while debt funds may appeal to those prioritizing stability and regular income.

Historical Performance

Additionally, delving into the historical performance of the mutual fund scheme provides valuable insights about its consistency. While past performance does not guarantee future results, it serves as a benchmark for evaluating the proficiency of the fund manager and the scheme’s ability to weather market fluctuations. Examining performance metrics over different periods and comparing them to relevant benchmarks helps gauge consistency and risk-adjusted returns. It’s essential to consider both absolute returns and relative performance against peers and benchmark indices to assess the effectiveness of the investment strategy employed by the fund manager.

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Risk Appetite

Risk is another crucial aspect to contemplate when evaluating mutual fund schemes. Different schemes carry varying degrees of risk, ranging from conservative options with lower volatility to aggressive ones with higher potential returns but heightened risk exposure. You can understand the fund’s risk by seeing its riskometer. Understanding one’s risk tolerance and matching it with the risk profile of the chosen scheme is essential to ensure comfort with possible fluctuations in investment value. Factors like asset allocation, sector exposure, and historical volatility contribute to assessing the risk level of a mutual fund scheme. Additionally, considering factors like credit risk, interest rate risk, and market risk is essential for understanding the potential downside and volatility associated with the scheme.

Expense Ratio

Although not explicitly mentioned, the expense ratio plays a significant role in analyzing mutual fund schemes. This metric reflects the scheme’s annual operating expenses as a percentage of its total assets. The annual expenses are capped by SEBI for different categories of funds. For instance, Active Funds typically have a higher TER as compared to passive funds.  Thus, you should ideally analyze expense ratio within the same peer group and category. Opting for schemes with lower expense ratios can enhance overall returns over the long term. However, this should not be the sole criteria while selecting funds. Funds with smaller AUM typically have a higher TER. As the fund scales up its expense ratio comes down. 

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Investment Style

Moreover, check the fund’s investment style. Whether the scheme follows a growth-oriented approach, value investing, or a blend of both, understanding the underlying strategy gauges its suitability vis-à-vis one’s investment objectives. Different investment styles perform differently under various market conditions, and aligning the chosen style with one’s beliefs and expectations can enhance confidence in the investment strategy. Investors should assess the consistency and effectiveness of the investment style through various market cycles and align with the fund manager’s expertise and track record. Investors should ideally choose a mix of both growth and value style while constructing their portfolios. 


Diversification, often hailed as the cornerstone of prudent investing, is inherent in mutual fund schemes. These schemes mitigate concentration risk and enhance portfolio resilience against market downturns by spreading investments across many assets and sectors. Diversification reduces the impact of individual security or sector performance and helps capture opportunities across different market segments. Assessing the level of diversification within a mutual fund scheme involves examining the number of holdings, sector allocation, geographic exposure, and correlation among assets. Investors should ensure the scheme’s diversification strategy aligns with their portfolio objectives and risk preferences, avoiding over-concentration in specific assets or sectors.


In conclusion, analyzing mutual fund schemes necessitates a comprehensive evaluation of multiple factors, encompassing investment objectives, historical performance, risk appetite, expense ratios, investment styles, and diversification strategies. By delving into these critical aspects, investors can embark on a journey towards constructing robust investment portfolios tailored to their financial aspirations and risk profiles. While no single factor should dictate investment decisions, a holistic assessment of mutual fund schemes empowers investors to make informed choices per their unique circumstances and objectives. Ultimately, seeking professional advice and conducting thorough due diligence can enhance the likelihood of achieving financial success and fulfilling long-term investment goals.

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