Tips for Applying Kajal to Your Baby’s Eyes Safely and Gently

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As a new parent, you’re always eager to enhance your baby’s natural charm and beauty. The age-old custom of using kajal, often referred to as kohl or Surma, to adorn a baby’s eyes is a cultural tradition that has been transmitted through the ages. However, ensuring the safety and well-being of your little one should always be the top priority. Applying kajal for infants requires caution, care, and an understanding of the best practices to ensure the process is safe and gentle. In this guide, we’ll provide you with essential tips and insights on how to apply kajal to your baby’s eyes. 

Understanding the Tradition of Applying Kajal 

Kajal has been used in many cultures as a cosmetic and cultural tradition, believed to have protective and health benefits. Applying kajal to babies’ eyes is thought to ward off evil eyes, protect their delicate eyes from infections, and enhance their overall charm. While the intention behind this tradition is beautiful, it’s essential to ensure that the application is safe and gentle for your baby.  

Choose a Safe Kajal Product 

When it comes to selecting a kajal for infants, ensure that you choose one that is specially formulated for infants. Look for kajal that is free from harmful chemicals, additives, or synthetic fragrances. Choose natural and organic substitutes that are kind and gentle to your baby’s delicate eyes. 

Maintain Hygiene 

Hygiene is of utmost importance when it comes to applying kajal to your baby’s eyes. Make sure your hands are clean, and if you are using a kajal stick, ensure that it is sanitized before every use. Using contaminated kajal can lead to eye infections, which should be avoided at all costs. 

Timing Matters 

It’s best to apply kajal when your baby is relaxed and in a good mood. Choose a time when your baby is well-rested and does not feel irritable or fussy. Applying kajal when your baby is calm, and content will make the process much easier and safer. 

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Gentle Application 

Here’s how to gently apply kajal to your baby’s eyes: 

  1. Hold Steady: Hold your baby securely in your arms or on a changing table, ensuring that they are safe and comfortable. 
  1. Clean the Eyes: Use a soft, clean cloth or cotton ball to clean your baby’s eyes gently. Make sure there’s no dirt, discharge, or crust around the eyes. 
  1. Distract and Comfort: It’s helpful to have someone else gently distract and soothe your baby, keeping them calm and relaxed during the process. 
  1. Open the Eye: Gently hold your baby’s eyelid and lift it slightly. Ensure that you’re very gentle and cautious to avoid any harm or discomfort. 
  1. Apply Kajal: Using a clean, sanitized kajal stick or your clean fingertip, gently apply a small dot of kajal to the white of the eye, just below the lower waterline. Avoid touching the cornea or the center of the eye. It’s important not to apply too much kajal, as a little goes a long way. 
  1. Close the Eye: Allow your baby to blink a few times to distribute the kajal naturally. Their eyes may water briefly, but this is normal. 
  1. Repeat for the Other Eye: If you wish to apply kajal to both eyes, repeat the process for the other eye.

Observe for Discomfort 

After applying kajal, closely observe your baby for any signs of discomfort or irritation. It’s normal for their eyes to water briefly, but if they show prolonged signs of distress, redness, or excessive blinking, remove the kajal immediately. Rinse their eyes gently with clean water to alleviate any discomfort. 


Applying kajal to your baby’s eyes can be a beautiful tradition and a way to enhance their natural beauty. However, it’s essential to do so with utmost care and safety in mind. By selecting a safe and gentle kajal product, maintaining hygiene, and practicing gentle application, you can continue this tradition in a way that’s loving and safe for your baby. 

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